
The special features of the Bachelor's degree programme, which has been running since 2000, lie not only in the cooperation between two universities, but also in the breadth of its content. The training is both practical (through an introduction to digital design techniques as well as format and concept project development) and theoretical (in the areas of media theory, media art, media culture history, forms of media staging, among others). Courses in cultural economics and media law round off the programme. The high proportion of project work in the degree programme and an integrated internship enable a comprehensive qualification. The overcoming of former borders, which is conceptually expressed in the cross-university cooperation, is reflected in the degree programme title "European Media Studies" and in the preoccupation with Europe as an idea, historical reference point and international space.


With a successfully completed Bachelor's degree in European Media Studies, fundamental competences for the analysis, design and criticism of the media as well as content-related cultural management are acquired. In particular, graduates are able to:

understand media both in their cultural conditionality and their cultural effects and to react to them in a practical way competently analyse and evaluate culture and media in Europe and beyond deal with the history of media from a cultural studies perspective as well as competently deal with media and cultural theories reflect on creative and artistic processes as well as critically examine media content and forms creatively conceive, design and present media formats realise their own projects and confidently deal with the constantly changing demands in the media sector.

The aim is to enable graduates to adapt quickly and competently to different professional fields. These include publishing houses and print media, radio and television, internet and hypermedia, advertising, cultural management as well as professions in the field of media production and services. Media scientists work, for example, as editors, proofreaders or curators and also carry out independent media activities. Another field of activity is the entire spectrum of media research in academia.


In principle, the requirements for university studies according to the Brandenburg Higher Education Act (BbgHG) must be fulfilled. (Exceptions for professionally qualified applicants without a school entrance qualification for higher education here.

Furthermore, applicants should not only have an interest in media in a current and historical context as well as in cultural and art history, but should also be prepared to think beyond a concept of media that is apparatus-based or shaped by the mass media themselves. Creativity and a love of design are also required. In view of the European orientation of the degree programme and the demands of professional life, good foreign language skills, especially in English, are also recommended.

Module System

The course is divided into thirteen modules, all of which have to be completed within a particular period of time:

Module 1: Introduction to Media Cultural Studies

This introductory module deals with the basics of media theory. It aims to give students an overview of the field and an insight into the most important theories.

Responsibility: NN (Professur für Medientheorie)

Module 2: Technical and Creative Principles of Digital Media
This module gives students a foundation in the technical and practical aspects of the digital media, as well as a creative introduction into the methods of picture processing and website design.

Responsibility: Torsten Schöbel M.A. (Grundlagen digitale Medien)

Module 3: Media Law and Cultural Media Economy
The aim of this module is to provide a basic knowledge of the economics of media projects, the management of independent work, and also production management in radio, film, TV and agencies, etc. It also provides knowledge of European media law and the development of a basic understanding of social, political and theoretical issues in relation to the media.

Responsibility: tba

Module 4: European Cultural History and Media Cultural History
This module aims to give students an understanding of Europe as a cultural and traditional area. The study of cultural and media history in lectures and seminars with specific media histories should give students a solid grasp of the basic historical character of the media, as well as its technological development and practices.

Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Heiko Christians (Professur für Medienkulturgeschichte)

Module 5: Media Art
This module is designed to give students an overview into the most important aspects of aesthetics and the development and analysis of art from a media studies perspective. An understanding of the close connection between art and the media processes involved in art is the aim.

Responsibility: NN (Professur für Medientheorie)

Module 6: Theories, forms and histories of knowledge
This module includes basic questions of the theory of knowledge (epistemology) and the history of knowledge. Basal media representations, such as images, sound, signs and language are presented and analysed, including the theory and history of visual media, sound studies and media philosophy. The combining and acting of these elements in new technological environments and circuits, links the basal reflections to complex contexts. In this way, this module deepens the knowledge of module 1 about mediation of media studies as research of mediality within the field of cultural studies.

Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Birgit Schneider (Professur für Medienökologie)

Module 7: Forms of Medial Production
Alongside acquiring knowledge of the most important analytical concepts such as theatricality and performitivity, this module deals with the use of these concepts and methods when considering individual classical and mass media genres.

Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jan Distelmeyer (Professur für Geschichte und Theorie der technischen Medien)

Module 8: Concepts and Forms of Media Design
At the centre of this module is the planning and development of projects in the digital media. The aim is to give students the conceptual and practical skills they need to develop digital media, and deeper understanding to deal with them.

Responsibility: Prof. Anne Quirynen (Professur für Bewegtbild)

Module 9: Medial Projects
This module gives high priority to acquiring media technology (i.e. lab and studio practice) and media creative orientation combined with experimental creative work. The module also conveys team work abilities in heterogeneous groups as required in professional practice and promotes communicative / collaborative processes with other disciplines.

Responsibility: Prof. Winfried Gerling (Professur für Konzeption und Ästhetik der Neuen Medien)

Module 10: Interdisciplinary Supplementary Studies
This module aims to broaden the interests of students and provide them with a focal point for their studies, and can be chosen from modules 1-9 or from another course at any higher education institution involved in the programme that makes sense.

Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jan Distelmeyer (Professur für Geschichte und Theorie der technischen Medien)

Module 11: Free-choice Project
This module consists of the development and carrying out of projects chosen by the students. The aim is to develop small independent research plans or projects, involving collaboration with other institutions and placements organized with the students’ own initiative. The project is supervised in terms of research and theoretical and practical support.

Module 12: Internship
During the course of the programme students must spend at least six weeks as interns in the field of European media studies (eight weeks for the Master’s programme. It is recommended that part of that be abroad).

Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Heiko Christians (Professur für Medienkulturgeschichte)

Module 13: Colloquium
The colloquium especially supports the students in selecting topics and literature reviews and developing research questions as well as structuring their assignments. Students are able to conduct a scientific / artistic topic independently.

Course Schedule

The course consists of theoretical and practical seminars, with the emphasis on project work. In the course of the programme students must gain at least 160 points in modules 1-11 (of which 90 are graded)

In addition to this, students must spend six weeks in an internship in the field of media studies (eight weeks for the Master’s programme with a period abroad).

In the sixth semester students are expected to hand in either a theoretical work or a creative work with a written part (with a preparation period of nine weeks), which is to be developed within the context of a colloquium and which, after corrections, is presented with an oral defence (12 points).

If this is successfully achieved, the title of ‘Bachelor of Arts’ is gained. If students complete the course with a grade of 2.0 or higher, they can apply for the Master’s programme in European Media Studies

Job Prospects

Graduates of the programme could work in the following areas: Publishing and print media (arts sections, media-specific and scientific programmes), radio and TV (editing, planning and criticism), internet (online editing), hypermedia (editing for knowledge management), event management (festivals), editing for media aesthetic subjects (DVD and CD ROM projects, TV films, video production, short films), as well as jobs in advertising and international media management (material and idea development for ‘media events’ and staging them), media production (development of formats and format analysis), media services and independent media activities. The new media need programme administrators and developers with a deep understanding of media history and aesthetics and who are in a position to recognize and describe the effects of the media of social consciousness. There is also the whole range of media research at universities. In the face of the rapid changes in the media, training in the media cannot be aimed at a specific idea of a job. Rather students should be given skills that allow them to fit into new kinds of jobs in these areas as quickly and competently as possible.